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Q&A: Any Apps for Emotions?


Do you know of any good apps for identifying emotions AND learning to respond appropriately to them−maybe with some video modeling? I am working with a junior high student who is on the hi-level autism spectrum. I am looking for an app to help him understand and respond appropriately to his emotions. He continues to throw tantrums when he feels things are not fair for him. Social stories have been used over the years.

Thank you!

Gwen’s Answer:

I actually have not used apps in therapy much. I’m working in an outpatient clinic so our approach is a little different than school-based therapy. I am copying Kim Wiggins on this email. She uses apps in therapy a fair amount and has even done a couple of great webinars for us about apps! Thanks in advance for weighing in, Kim.

Here is a link to her most relevant webinar:

I do use a variety of emotion picture cards in therapy. I have acquired some from the Zones of Regulation curriculum, some from the Self-Regulation Curriculum sold on, and some from sites like Teachers Pay Teachers. I often use these to have kids sort them into the “Zones” or the BrainWorks colors and then have them select sensory strategies that may help them handle each emotion appropriately.

I also have a view-on-demand webinar titled “Facilitating Self-Regulation in Children and Teens.”

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Best Wishes,

Kim’s Answer:

Tying into Gwen’s response, the first thing that popped into my mind was the Zones of Regulation apps. They have 2 of them. I always start with this one:

It gives the general idea of which zone you are in depending on your emotion.  I’m currently teaching this program with the majority of my students that have sensory issues. Our speech pathologist is also using it, and it’s being reinforced in the classrooms. It’s a wonderful program. If you’re not using the actual ZOR book (18 lessons plans are included) you can use the app above. After you use that app you can then move on to this app:

This one allows you to move your avator into social situations on a playground and deal with situations that arise. It is also wonderful.

I also really love the “I Can Do Apps,” and they have an “emotion” one. I’ve never used it, but I use several others that they make:

I hope this helps!  🙂

Best Wishes,