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Back to School Sale is on Now! 20% off AOTA courses and 10% off BrainWorks and Physical Products with code: BW24

Single Family/Classroom Kit

Now with additional cards and more information in the Quick Start Guide!


This complete, professionally printed kit is perfect for a family or single classroom! Kit includes all items for simple assembly:

  • 1 BrainWorks file folder with manipulative teaching tachometer
  • 1 complete set of 1.5″ BrainWorks picture cards printed on durable cardstock (may use as a master for unlimited sensory diet tools)
  • 1 key ring
  • 6 colorful strategy guides on cardstock to copy and give to parents
  • 1 package of Velcro dots to finish a file folder sensory diet tool
  • Helpful instructions for new users