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Sensory-Based Feeding: Part 1—How to Overcome Tactile, Interoceptive, Proprioceptive, and Vestibular Factors Impacting Feeding

Webinar Length (Hours):



Becky Miksic, OTR/L, T-NLP, T-TET, CHt

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $48.00.

Sensory-Based Feeding: Part 1—How to Overcome Tactile, Interoceptive, Proprioceptive, and Vestibular Factors Impacting Feeding

Eating can be a very challenging task for children with sensory processing difficulties and tweezing out each area of need can be just as challenging for therapists and parents! This 2-hour webinar allows you to pinpoint how tactile, interoceptive, proprioceptive, and vestibular factors can impact feeding. Tips and tricks on implementing practical strategies to address these areas are included, so toddlers through elementary school-aged children on your caseload can start improving immediately. This course includes case studies and time for answering appropriate questions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Select appropriate tactile preparatory activities and food choices for children who are sensitive to tactile input.
  2. Identify strategies to use with children who avoid, gag, or spit out solid foods or mixed textures.
  3. Distinguish between seating recommendations for children who are sensitive to or seek vestibular input.
  4. Recognize symptoms that indicate a child may be sensitive to interoceptive input and make appropriate food choices for the child.
  5. Choose strategies to increase proprioceptive feedback during meals.

Course Information

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

AOTA-Approved Provider Program Sensational Brain LLC is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Approved Provider #8215. This course is approved for 0.2 AOTA CEU or two contact hours under this Classification Code: Category 1, Domain of OT: Performance Skills; Category 2, OT Therapy Process: Approach to Intervention. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

Photo of Sensational Brain Speaker Becky Miksic

Becky Miksic, OTR/L, T-NLP, T-TET, CHt, has been supporting families to progress their children’s eating since 2002.  She has worked in a variety of settings and has helped countless children to expand their food repertoire as well as transitioned tube fed children to oral feedings. Her company, End Picky Eating, focuses on home-based feeding therapy, remote consultations, and education for parents and professionals through webinars and live classes. To view Becky’s courses, check out her product page.


  • Financial: Becky receives a speaking fee from Sensational Brain LLC. She is the owner of Child Success Solutions Inc. DBA End Picky Eating and the author of End Picky Eating: Transforming picky eaters into successful eaters so you can go anywhere & know your child will eat.
  • Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

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