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Q&A: Who Can Use the Sensory Symptoms Checklist?


Could you please tell me which professionals are qualified to administer and interpret the Sensory Symptoms Checklist?


Thank you for your question about our Sensory Symptoms Checklist!

Because it is only a checklist, it isn’t regulated, so there are no formal rules for its use. I do typically recommend that the person administering and interpreting the checklist is familiar with sensory modulation disorders, but I do not feel that it needs to be an OT. In reality, even some OTs probably aren’t qualified to interpret it correctly as sensory modulation is something more often learned through continuing education rather than our basic training. If an OT or other professional wants to feel more competent in its use, I would recommend one of our FREE webinars titled An Introduction to the BrainWorks Approach for Effective Sensory Diets:

An Introduction to the BrainWorks Approach for Effective Sensory Diets

It will give you a basic idea of the three types of modulation disorders and how to use BrainWorks.

We also have a more in-depth, 2-hour course titled Effective Sensory Diets: An evidence-based approach, which focuses on how to set up sensory programs based on the results of an assessment (including the checklist).

Effective Sensory Diets: An Evidence-Based Approach

I hope that helps! Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Best Wishes,
