Practicing Under the IDEA in Schools: When You Have to Say Yes and How to Effectively Say No
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and related regulations serve more than 6.5 million children in our nation’s public schools. They preserve a free, appropriate public education to children with disabilities. The IDEA in combination with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act entitles children with disabilities to education programs, services, and accommodations, enveloping an even larger population of children. Thus, these laws regulate and guide the evaluation, recommendation, and treatments of the pediatric healthcare practitioner within the public-school setting. However, with additional laws such as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the recent Supreme Court of the United States ruling, interpretation and serving children with special healthcare needs continue to grow in complexity.
This 90-minute webinar provides a synopsis of the IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and related legislation and rulings. Additionally, it provides guidelines to healthcare practitioners who must say yes to services and requests, as well as when they are able to say no. Finally, it provides tools for healthcare practitioners to effectively communicate and advocate for appropriate recommendations based on evaluation and clinical judgment while remaining compliant with regulating law. This course is included with the School-Based OT: The Basics Webinar Package.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the basic principles of the laws, regulations, and guidelines involved in treatment for children within the school setting.
- Apply the recent Endrew Supreme Court decision to defining practice within the school-based setting.
- Delineate the evaluation and qualification process for an identified child, the creation and implementation of an IEP and the different levels of service available to appropriate students.
- Recognize strategies for effective advocacy, documentation and communication of denials and/or reduction in services for students who do not qualify for services or qualify for less than IEP team anticipated amount of services.
- Analyze service delivery through additional models (ESSA, etc.).
Course Information
- Target Audience: school-based occupational, physical, and speech therapists
- Course Instructor: Alyson Stover, MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP
- View Agenda
- CE Broker course code: 20-640297